Behavioral Health Integration Team

Nurse Practicioner in Psychiatry and Pediatrics

George Nasra, MD, MBA
Medical Director-Behavioral Health

Tziporah Rosenberg, PhD
Education and Training Lead, Behavioral Health Integration Team

Daryl Sharp, PhD, RN, FAAN
Senior Director, Care Management
Any AHP clinician, including providers and care managers, may request an E-consultation from the AHP-Behavioral Health Integration Team (BHIT) to discuss their patients with behavioral health concerns where multidisciplinary input is required. AHP-BHIT consults aim to address specific questions related to a patient's care.
Consultation requests should include a clear and concise question, relevant information such as medications and doses, significance and response to PHQ-9/GAD-7 scores, and any substance use or chronic medical conditions impacting the patient. A member of the AHP-BHIT team will review the information and provide feedback via email to the referring clinician.
It is important to note that the AHP-BHIT does not conduct direct patient care evaluations but rather is available to support the primary care team in their evaluations. For that reason, consultations will not occur between the AHP-BHIT consultant and the patient directly.
Requesting a Consultation
Email the team at [email protected]. A response should be expected within 24 to 48 hours of the request. Please do not send any PHI over an unsecured email.