Comfort Boxes for Practices Caring for Children

Comfort Boxes for Practices Caring for Children

February 28th, 2022 | Network News

AHP’s Pediatric Care Management team presented about the importance of trauma-informed care during COVID-19 vaccination at the December Pediatric Advisory Committee meeting. Trauma-informed approaches are beneficial in preventing medical trauma and supporting those with intense anxiety. Since then, the Pediatric Care Management team has assembled 30 comfort boxes and begun delivering them to community practices caring for children. Included with the boxes were social stories and information on parent-supported restraints and using the Buzzy Bee tool for pain management. Access to the resources in the comfort boxes will give providers vaccinating children more tools to best support their patients.

The Pediatric Care Management team is willing to provide additional information and support on using best practices to minimize anxiety and empower parents to have a vaccination experience that is less traumatic for children and their families.

Missed the meeting, or want to view the presentation again? Watch the recording on AHP’s Youtube Channel, here. For more information about this initiative, please reach out to Kristin Luce.