Learn New Skills and Share Best Practices: Attend a Learning Collaborative

Learn New Skills and Share Best Practices: Attend a Learning Collaborative

May 31st, 2017 | Archive

Certified Practice Facilitator Linda Franke conducts monthly learning collaboratives that support provider office staff professional and skill development. The goal for these meetings is to have a place where practice representatives can bring questions or issues they have to a group that understands where they are coming from….and is likely experiencing the same thing.

Meeting monthly in Rochester Dansville and Canandaigua, participants can attend the closest meeting and discuss a wide range of topics with peers. Recent meeting agendas have focused on staff and provider engagement, using EMRs more effectively, Arcadia workflow best practices and specialist referral agreements. Guest speakers that are experts on a given topic are also a frequent feature of learning collaborative meetings.

Any member of an AHP-participating practice is welcome to attend a learning collaborative. The Rochester and Dansville groups meet on the fourth Thursday of each month, with the Rochester group meeting 9:00 to 10:30 am and the Dansville group meeting from 2:00 to 3:30 pm. The Canandaigua group will be meeting at a date in June that will be announced soon. Click here for a full schedule of meetings and locations. Questions about learning collaboratives? Contact Linda Franke at [email protected].