Quality the Focus of Primary Care Practice Managers Meeting

Quality the Focus of Primary Care Practice Managers Meeting

April 28th, 2017 | Archive

Thanks to all who turned out for the first practice managers meeting of 2017! Highlights of the meeting included a presentation from Daryl Sharp, AHP’s Director of Care Management, on the formation of a comprehensive Behavioral Health Integration (BHI) team to work alongside AHP’s providers that are managing behavioral health issues in the primary care setting. An initial BHI pilot will be launched with a few of AHP’s primary care practices during which participants may incorporate behavioral health resources from a menu of options, including enhanced care management, telehealth, and E-consultations. Upon the pilot’s completion, the model will be fine-tuned and deployed to additional practice sites.

Three members of AHP’s Optimization Team shared updates on their progress in partnering with primary care teams to improve quality. Clinical Integration Coordinator Kim Povec discussed specific efforts to improve performance for the Diabetic Eye Exam measure in a practice that piloted a referral agreement with an ophthalmology practice. IT Project Director Elizabeth Sharp, IT Project Director reviewed improvements to the Arcadia Analytics dashboard, including new screens that allow practices to drill down to only those measures relevant to their specialty, while Practice Facilitator Linda Franke reported on her targeted process improvement work, including the monthly learning collaboratives available to AHP providers and staff.

To learn more about how AHP’s Optimization team can support your quality performance efforts, contact Kim Povec at [email protected]. If you are interested in learning more about AHP’s model for Behavioral Health integration contact Daryl Sharp at [email protected].