AHP Heart Failure Pilot Ready to Launch

AHP Heart Failure Pilot Ready to Launch

April 2nd, 2018 | Archive

This month we are preparing to launch our pilot program centered on reducing admissions and readmissions, as well as ED/Urgent care visits for heart failure patients. Within 5 practices disbursed across the network, we are going to test our protocol aimed at providing more robust resources for outpatient management and stabilization of at-risk heart failure patients, and, in tandem, assess the efficacy of our intervention. We are seeking a 5% reduction in initial hospitalizations, a 10% reduction in readmissions and a 5% reduction in ED/Urgent Care visits. We appreciate the interdisciplinary support we have had in formulating this initiative and we have every expectation that we will be able to report back in the months ahead regarding the success and subsequent network-wide roll out of this initiative.