Mark Your Calendars: Lead Testing Webinar
August 2nd, 2018 | ArchiveOn Wednesday, August 15th from 12:15 to 1 pm please join AHP’s Pediatric Quality Improvement Team and Dr. Stanley Schaffer from the Western New York Lead Poisoning Resource Center for a webinar about unlikely sources of lead exposure, importance of childhood lead testing and how to make the most of point-of-care lead testing in your practice today.
AHP’s Pediatric Quality Improvement team will guide participants in a robust discussion on solving common setbacks with point-of-care lead testing and share best practices for beginning and maintaining momentum in your practice.
By the end of the webinar participants will:
1. Know what to advise families about unlikely sources of lead exposure;
2. Understand evidence-based recommendations for children with elevated blood lead levels;
3. Learn about collaboration opportunities with colleagues around lead POCT;
4. Understand how to utilize gap list tools to track and manage patients that need lead testing.
Please invite your lead point-of-care testing team to participate. Click here to RSVP.