SPRINT Initiative Results Are In

SPRINT Initiative Results Are In

September 7th, 2018 | Archive

Many AHP primary care providers took part in the SPRINT initiative, which was a joint effort with the Finger Lakes Performing Provider System (FLPPS) to close gaps in care in the Medicaid population across 11 key metrics. Because of your efforts, between May 1st and July 1st, AHP PCPs closed 1,945 gaps in the Medicaid population for 11 key metrics, for which providers received a $100 incentive per gap closed. Your feedback that our approach of defining the metrics where there were gaps and providing patient “chase” lists was a helpful strategy will help us support you better in future initiatives of this type.

This is a tremendous accomplishment in such a short time, and no doubt, most of these patients would not have received this care had our members not been so engaged in this effort. Because of this work, we were able to help FLPPS achieve their metric goals for the year as well as see improvement in our own AHP Medicaid ACQA contract quality performance. Our success in this initiative will position us for future partnerships with FLPPS that will deliver support and incentives to providers.

Initiatives like this demonstrate our ability to touch all facets of the Quadruple Aim: improved care delivery for the patient, improved experience for the patient, improved provider experience in delivering care, and ultimately lower costs of care given the preventive care that was delivered. Congratulations on a tremendous effort and accomplishment, and we will look to replicate this type of initiative moving forward based upon the feedback we received.