About Us

Accountable Health Partners is a clinically integrated network of hospitals and physicians with a proven record of improving quality outcomes and delivering value. Through significant investment in care management and collaboration with providers across the network, AHP and its providers have earned significant gain sharing while achieving improvement in many indicators of clinical quality, including cancer screening rates, hypertension and diabetes control.

Our provider network includes

AHP has value-based arrangements with:

Learn more about the Accountable Health Partners Team

Board of ManagersLeadership & Administrative TeamClinical & Care Management TeamOperations and Administrative

Board of Managers

The board includes representatives from AHP’s member hospitals, community providers, and University of Rochester Medical Faculty providers. Meeting most months, the board provides the governance to ensure that AHP’s strategic direction and financial performance position the organization and its members for success.

Michael J. Apostolakos, MD

Michael J. Apostolakos, MD
Pulmonary and Critical Care, URMFG

Judy Baumhauer, MD, MPH

Judy Baumhauer, MD, MPH
Orthopaedics, URMFG

Douglas Bennett, MD, FAAP

Douglas Bennett, MD, FAAP
Pediatrics, Community Physician

Diego Cahn-Hidalgo, MD

Diego Cahn-Hidalgo, MD
Internal Medicine, Community Physician

Colleen T. Fogarty, M.D., M.Sc.

Colleen T. Fogarty, M.D., M.Sc.
Family Medicine, URMFG

Jonathan I. Goldstein, MD

Jonathan I. Goldstein, MD
Gastroenterology, Community Physician

Steven I. Goldstein

Steven I. Goldstein
CEO, Strong Memorial Hospital and Highland Hospital

Jill Halterman, MD, MPH

Jill Halterman, MD, MPH
Pediatrics, URMFG

Steven Heneghan, MD

Steven Heneghan, MD
Surgery, Arnot Health

Wallace Johnson, MD

Wallace Johnson, MD
Internal Medicine, URMFG

Srinivas R. Kaza, MD, FAAOA

Srinivas R. Kaza, MD, FAAOA
Otolaryngology, Community Physician

Jonathan Lawrence

Jonathan Lawrence
CEO, Arnot Health

Gary Markowitz, MD

Gary Markowitz, MD
Ophthalmology, Community Physician

Ruth M. O’Regan, MD

Ruth M. O’Regan, MD
Medicine, URMFG

Kathleen Parrinello, RN, PhD

Kathleen Parrinello, RN, PhD
COO, Strong Memorial Hospital

Danielle Renodin-Mead, DO

Danielle Renodin-Mead, DO
Pediatrics, Community Physician

Michael Rotondo, MD

Michael Rotondo, MD
Surgery, URMFG

Bryan Sandler, MD

Bryan Sandler, MD
Family Medicine, Community Physician

Ahsen Sheikh, MD

Ahsen Sheikh, MD
Internal Medicine, Community Physician

Michael Stapleton

Michael Stapleton
CEO, Thompson Health System

Sean Stryker, MD, FAAFP

Sean Stryker, MD, FAAFP
Family Medicine, Community Physician


Bob Adams, PharmD

Bob Adams, PharmD
Director, Pharmacy Services

Mark Cronin

Mark Cronin
Chief Operating Officer

Jana Darlington, MPH

Jana Darlington, MPH
Director, Provider Network Management and Payer Relations

Cristy Houde

Cristy Houde
Director, Information Management

George Nasra, MD, MBA

George Nasra, MD, MBA
Associate Medical Director for Behavioral Health

Daryl Sharp, PhD, RN, FAAN

Daryl Sharp, PhD, RN, FAAN
Senior Advisor

Elizabeth Sharp

Elizabeth Sharp
Director of Clinical Operations & Quality Improvement

Laura Jean Shipley, MD

Laura Jean Shipley, MD
Associate Medical Director for Maternal-Child Health

Alisa Stetzer, MS, BSN, RN-BC

Alisa Stetzer, MS, BSN, RN-BC
Senior Director, Care Management

John C. Teeters, MD, MBA, MS

John C. Teeters, MD, MBA, MS
Chief Executive Officer (Interim)

Jim Wright

Jim Wright

Clinical & Care Management Team

A critical component of AHP’s mission is to partner with physicians and support their efforts to deliver care to patients. The network’s care management program was developed to do just that, and since its inception AHP has funded the placement of many care managers into community-based practices. Care managers help physicians meet quality targets by supporting the most clinically complex patients.

Emma Bocchino, LCSW, MFT

Emma Bocchino, LCSW, MFT
Pediatric Social Work Care Manager


Nurse Practitioner in Psychiatry and Pediatrics

Lindsay Bushnell, LMSW

Lindsay Bushnell, LMSW
Pediatric Social Work Care Manager

Danielle Calder, DNP, RN-BC, CNL

Danielle Calder, DNP, RN-BC, CNL
Associate Director of Adult Care Management and Clinical Protocols

Jaymie Chapple, MS, RN

Jaymie Chapple, MS, RN
RN Care Manager

Katie Diehl, PharmD, BCACP

Katie Diehl, PharmD, BCACP
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist

Schneika Flowers-Brewley, LMSW

Schneika Flowers-Brewley, LMSW
Pediatric Social Work Care Manager

Kevin Heacock, PharmD, BCPS

Kevin Heacock, PharmD, BCPS
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist

Kathleen M. Hoven BSN, RN

Kathleen M. Hoven BSN, RN
RN Care Manager

Susan Kinney, BSN, RN

Susan Kinney, BSN, RN
RN Care Manager

Colleen V. Lewis, LMSW

Colleen V. Lewis, LMSW
Pediatric Social Work Care Manager

Paige Lounsberry, IBCLC, CBS

Paige Lounsberry, IBCLC, CBS
Lactation Care Manager

Kristin Luce, LCSW

Kristin Luce, LCSW
Senior Pediatric Social Work Care Manager

Robin McElligott, LCSW-R

Robin McElligott, LCSW-R
AHP/CMO Clinical Manager, Maternal Child and Family Care Management

Kim McGregor, RN

Kim McGregor, RN
RN Care Manager

Rachel Prince, LCSW

Rachel Prince, LCSW
Pediatric Social Work Care Manager

Tziporah Rosenberg, PhD

Tziporah Rosenberg, PhD
Education and Training Lead, Behavioral Health Integration Team

Robin Schepp, LMSW

Robin Schepp, LMSW
Pediatric Social Work Care Manager

Brianna Searight, BSW

Brianna Searight, BSW
Pediatric Community Outreach

Nikki Spring, LCSW, CLC

Nikki Spring, LCSW, CLC
Senior Pediatric Social Work Care Manager

Lisa Walton, RN

Lisa Walton, RN
RN Care Manager

Catherine (Katie) Wightman

Catherine (Katie) Wightman
Program Director, Lactation Care Management

Meghan Willis, BA

Meghan Willis, BA
Pediatric Community Outreach

Angela Young-Stevenson, LMSW CCM

Angela Young-Stevenson, LMSW CCM
Social Work Care Manager

Operations and Administrative

Michelle Black

Michelle Black

Lizette Bullock

Lizette Bullock
Manager, Office Operations

Sarah Dixon, BS, RN

Sarah Dixon, BS, RN
Optimization Specialist

Scott Gabel

Scott Gabel

Brett Gillott

Brett Gillott
Data Coordinator

Jennifer Horton

Jennifer Horton
Administrative Assistant

Kevin Kelley

Kevin Kelley
Project Manager for Business Operations

Catie Kunecki

Catie Kunecki
Senior Statistical Developer

Tanya Jo Nasra, MPH

Tanya Jo Nasra, MPH
Project Director, Clinical Quality Improvement

William Nooitgedagt

William Nooitgedagt
Project Director, Information Systems

Molly Parmeter, MS

Molly Parmeter, MS
Provider Relations Liaison

Salena Sachman

Salena Sachman
Provider Relations Liaison

Melissa Schneider

Melissa Schneider
Administrative Assistant

Julia Tauriello

Julia Tauriello
Data Coordinator

Tyler Walton

Tyler Walton
Statistical Analyst/ Developer