Changes to Subspecialty Advisory Committee

Changes to Subspecialty Advisory Committee

July 2nd, 2018 | Archive

In an effort to improve engagement and information delivery to our subspecialists within AHP and in conjunction with our committee chairs, Drs. Anil Sharma and Paul Rubery, we have decided to reformat our AHP Subspecialty Advisory Committee. We will still have twice a year large group meetings to review performance, discuss global subspecialty initiatives and garner feedback from the group, but we are going to begin taking a service-line approach to these meetings. The goal is to convene community and employed subspecialists within a particular field (i.e. Gastroenterology, Orthopedics, and Cardiovascular) and identify areas of opportunity around prescribing practices, care delivery, or guideline generation. Likewise, we would like to learn from these service line teams about any grassroots initiatives that they would like to develop or data they may need from AHP to enhance their care delivery.

We will be convening these service line teams soon and already have had some initial discussions with many representatives from various clinical arenas about initial targets. We welcome interest from service line groups and hope this will be a way to foster unification of employed and community providers while also providing more subject matter specific data to enhance care delivery to our patient population.