Coming Soon: The Arcadia Care Management Platform

Coming Soon: The Arcadia Care Management Platform

April 30th, 2018 | Archive

AHP will soon launch an Arcadia-based care management platform for use by care managers working with EMRs other than Epic. As with the Arcadia dashboard that houses our quality and utilization metrics, the care management platform will organize and manage EMR data along with member eligibility and medical paid claims data from several payers with whom AHP contracts. The resulting claims and clinical datasets can then be accessed to inform population health management, and help care managers understand and more effectively manage their population panels.

The care management platform will provide a place for community-based care managers to house patient registries and document in standardized ways. The platform will provide support for systematic patient assessments, record keeping and care planning as well as calendar support. Care managers will still document in the practices’ EMR to ensure optimal care coordination and communication with your practice and staff. The platform will also permit us to track patient outreach initiatives and assess fidelity to clinical protocols. We expect that these approaches will help us decrease unwarranted variation in care delivery, thereby improving quality of care while decreasing inefficiencies. The platform will also enable us to capture and report care management activities to the AHP Board of Managers and its members, payers, and others as needed.

Care managers have been closely involved in developing the requisite assessment, documentation and care planning templates needed for building the platform. AHP’s Clinical Integration Coordinator, Kim Povec and Project Director for IT, Elizabeth Sharp, are overseeing the platform’s implementation. Kim and Elizabeth are working with multiple care manager stakeholder groups to design templates and the workflows associated with their use. Several care manager super users are currently being trained in the use of the platform. The super users will then serve as mentors and consultants to other care managers as implementation unfolds across our network.

We will be rolling out the platform in a phased approach, with AHP employed Care Managers going live in late summer, and our hospital affiliate partners in the fall. Care managers will participate in an intensive two-day workshop to prepare for moving to the new system. We will keep you apprised of our progress as we finish designing the content and move towards implementation.