Colorectal Cancer Screening Kits

Colorectal Cancer Screening Kits

October 1st, 2018 | Archive

AHP has chosen colorectal cancer screening as a metric for optimization for 2018-2019. While we are performing above the 90th percentile nationally for screening, we realized that this still leaves over 25,000 eligible patients within our network who meet criteria but have not been screened in the last year…..WE CAN DO BETTER!

To maximize our performance, AHP has partnered with a company that provides fecal immunochemical stool testing (FIT) kits which can be processed in-office with no CLIA requirements. The development takes less than a minute per dry sample returned from a patient, and there is a direct revenue from resulting these tests in-office from which providers can benefit.

In an effort to provide this resource for our network and improve our screening rates for those patients who cannot or will not undergo colonoscopy, AHP is looking to provide interested practices with a “starter kit” that includes supplies to screen 20 patients. The revenue from resulting just ten of these kits is enough to purchase the next pack of 20 kits, leaving room for additional profit.

If your office would be interested in receiving a starter kit for use in your colorectal cancer screening efforts in your office, please reach out to Chad Teeters to learn more or add your name to the list of practices interested.