New AHP Lipid Screening and Management Guidelines Released

New AHP Lipid Screening and Management Guidelines Released

May 7th, 2018 | Archive

In an effort to better serve our network, and in response to recommendations from our PCP Advisory and Specialist Advisory Committees, AHP assembled a task force to create lipid screening and management guidelines. These guidelines concisely synthesizes the currently available evidence and recommendations and include cost considerations. For example, did you know that for the moderate intensity statin options, all of which are considered equally effective per the major guidelines, the cost ranges from $69 to over $330 per month without insurance?

Our hope is that this guideline will be useful and informative as we seek to provide guidance with the highest scientific evidence, coupled with cost-based acknowledgement to improve our patient management and value performance. We are grateful to the many primary care and specialty providers who assisted with development and review of this guideline, and we hope you will find this structure useful and informative.

We welcome and look forward to your feedback, and will continue to develop similar guidelines moving forward and plan to incorporate them into EMRs for more ready usability.

Screening and Management of Lipid Disorders
Lipid Lowering Table