New Look for Clinical Connections Starting Next Month!

New Look for Clinical Connections Starting Next Month!

February 6th, 2018 | Archive

In an effort to keep all of our members better performed regarding performance, new initiatives, new network members, and upcoming presentations and meetings, we will be changing the format and frequency of our AHP newsletter. Starting in March, our newsletter will be delivered the first Monday of every month and will feature a new look! The new newsletter will be called the AHP5, and has been aptly named as it will focus on 5 key areas that we want to highlight each month: Proclamations (new announcements or FYI’s), Performance (update on metric performance or highlights regarding IPC outcomes), Pharmacy (announcements from our new AHP P&T Committee, formulary updates and prescribing practice improvements), Plans (announcements of upcoming meetings or dates of importance) and finally, and most importantly, our People (new AHP members or member developments). We hope that you will find this new look, frequency and organization of our newsletter to be helpful and keep you abreast of all the efforts underway to improve the lives of our patients and the providers within our network. We welcome your feedback and look forward to the March release, so stay tuned!