Quarterly Triple Aim Reports Issued

Quarterly Triple Aim Reports Issued

August 2nd, 2018 | Archive

For most of our AHP PCPs who take care of adult patients, Triple Aim reports have become a familiar way of communicating AHP projects and priorities. In fact, the most recent quarterly report was just run, so expect to see this in your mailbox shortly! We are also excited to be rolling out a pediatric Triple Aim report, headed up by Dr. Shipley, so that our Pediatric PCPs can receive the same type of communication. Those PCPs that take care of both adults and children will receive their adult and pediatric metrics in a combined report in the future, and we are working hard to make reports available to the remaining PCPs in the network whose practices have Arcadia implemented.

Our current report again highlights some of the great work going on throughout our network. In addition to our ongoing strong performance in the population health metrics, we are continuing to highlight efforts to decrease Vitamin D screening and wean long term PPIs, when appropriate. We are seeing early decreases in in vitamin D ordering even in the few months since that project was rolled out! The Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) report is undergoing some further work to be more actionable by the physician and their teams. Knowing that weaning long term PPIs does require some additional work in regards to education that can be difficult to do during busy office visits to the practice, we are currently working on a pilot using care manager and clinical pharmacist supports to work with patients that are appropriate for the deprescribing. More information on this pilot to come in the future.

Thanks for all of your hard work for the patients of our network!