Pharmacy Savings Continue

Pharmacy Savings Continue

August 2nd, 2018 | Archive

As we reported previously, AHP performed quite well in 2017 with a total savings of $2.2 million over the prior year’s performance. For the first quarter of 2018, we have shown even stronger performance with $1.49 million in pharmacy savings compared to the first quarter of 2017. This savings is directly attributable to all of your hard work towards initiatives such as:
– Decreased Advair prescribing in favor of AirDuo/Symbicort
– Zegerid prescribing conversion to omeprazole
– EpiPen/Auvi-Q conversion to generic
– Lantus/Tresiba/Tujeo replacement with Basaglar
– Glumetza conversion to generic metformin
– Brand PPI conversion to generic

Some of this data is highlighted in your recent Triple Aim report, and we will continue to work across the network to provide data on prescribing practices versus peers within AHP and compared to national trends to continue to identify savings opportunities. With the rise in costs of sub-specialty pharmaceuticals presenting increasing challenge to our financial performance, and sometimes with no advantage over cheaper alternatives, our Pharmacy and Medical Directors’ team at AHP will continue to explore opportunities for savings with equal clinical efficacy and communicate those to you.