Spring Clinical Grand Rounds Recap

Spring Clinical Grand Rounds Recap

April 2nd, 2018 | Archive

At our most recent Grand Rounds on March 29th, we had a Multiple Small Feedings of the Mind format where Dr. Chad Teeters began by bringing the audience up to speed on our Back Pain Integrated Practice Committee. Our focus with this IPC is on the initial presentation of back pain, developing a set of guidelines to direct early management, and minimizing waste or unnecessary delays in care. Next, Dr. Kate Eisenberg reviewed our efforts to improve appropriate use of Vitamin D testing and discussed that our Triple Aim reports will include providers’ individual ordering data and how that compares to your peers within the AHP network.
Next, our pharmacy team, Drs. Erica Dobson and Jenny Radcliffe, shared plans for our efforts to transition patients from the high cost Advair, Symbicort and Breo Ellipta inhalers to the generic fluticasone/salmeterol alternative which is 30% the price. We anticipate this prescribing change will save money for patients, improve compliance, and provide significant savings to the network. Finally, Dr. LJ Shipley discussed the progress within our Pediatric health improvement projects. Currently this group is targeting improved lead screening of young children, and providing long-acting reversible contraception for our adolescents to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The feedback and discussion around these topics was excellent, and we will continue to provide updates on these and other topics moving forward. We also hope you enjoyed the opportunity to network with your colleagues and the AHP staff, we certainly did!