Update on ICS/LABA Inhaler Initiative Performance

Update on ICS/LABA Inhaler Initiative Performance

February 19th, 2019 | Archive

In 2018, we focused our efforts on a pharmacy inhaler initiative, requesting that prescribers, “Consider the use of either fluticasone/salmeterol RespiClick or Symbicort as “first line” in the ICS/LABA class.” We set an achievable network goal based on your feedback to decrease Advair Diskus/HFA’s market share from 54% in 2017 to 41% by March 2019.

Overall, the rate of Advair Diskus/HFA prescribing from January through November 2018 was down to 46% across the AHP network. Likewise, fewer initial fICS/LABA prescriptions were written for Advair products in 2018 (55% for Advair Diskus/HFA in Q4 2017 compared to 39% in Q4 2018).

We recognize there are challenges with this initiative as we start 2019, given current backorder of fluticasone/salmeterol RespiClick inhalers and likely launch of Wixela Inhub (generic to Advair Diskus). We will continue to keep you updated with new information as it becomes available. In the meantime, to reach our network goal of reduced Advair prescribing, please consider the use of Symbicort in patients unable to obtain fluticasone/salmeterol RespiClick and as “first line” in the ICS/LABA class.