AHP Vitamin D Guidelines Announced

AHP Vitamin D Guidelines Announced

February 1st, 2018 | Archive

The first IPC launch will be a new guideline identifying appropriate use of Vitamin D testing within our network. With the aid and feedback of multiple stakeholders including our AHP Primary Care Advisory Board, UR Primary Care Network, AHP Subspecialty Providers Board, Monroe County Medical Society and thought leaders from Rheumatology, Endocrinology and Hematology/Oncology we have compiled a guideline that we believe will help improve our selection of patients who should or should not receive Vitamin D testing. Current review of our practice across the network suggests the potential to realize over $300,000 of additional shared savings with implementation of this new guideline. We will be providing feedback to all members going forward on their guideline adherence and commit to continued update of this guideline as new evidence comes available. Many thanks to all who played a role in bringing this initial IPC to delivery within 6 weeks of initial announcement! The full guidelines are below:
Clinical Practice Update - PCN Vitamin D Updated Jan 2018