Welcome to the April AHP5 Newsletter

Welcome to the April AHP5 Newsletter

April 2nd, 2018 | Archive


Welcome to the April edition of the AHP5! We are fresh off our most recent Clinical Grand Rounds which many of you attended, and we hope you found the Multiple Small Feedings of the Mind format interesting and informative. As our last few newsletters, and the presentations last week at Grand Rounds demonstrated, there are a wealth of population health activities going on throughout our network. In this edition of the AHP55, we will highlight takeaways from last week’s Grand Rounds, announce upcoming health improvement pilot activities that will soon be launching, discuss a few of our successes to date with our behavioral health initiatives, and introduce new members. I also want to encourage everyone to think about population health projects within their own practices or clinical departments. Whether they be potential cost savings methods, metric improvement strategies, and/or an effort to improve the health of our patients in any way, we are eager to hear from you. Already we’ve been approached by groups such as Orthopedics, Neurology, and Oncology with potential new ventures, so please keep them coming!

Finally, this month the 2018 metrics will go live within your Arcadia dashboards and we will be reaching out to discuss performance optimization. This year we have decided that, across the network, we will be focusing on strategies to optimize our performance in breast cancer screening, colorectal cancer screening, falls risk screening and well child checks (3-6 year). Individually, we are encouraging each practice to find one metric per quarter where they may be experiencing sluggish performance and work on ways to optimize within your own practice. If you need assistance, or recommendations based on successes elsewhere in the network, please reach out. We’re all in this together!

J. Chad Teeters, MD
Executive Medical Director, AHP