Arcadia Connection: Filtering and Cheat Sheets

Arcadia Connection: Filtering and Cheat Sheets

April 28th, 2017 | Archive

The Arcadia Connection is a recurring feature in Network News that keeps you up to date with news about the Arcadia Analytics Dashboard and connects you with information about workflow improvements and best practices that improve measure performance. This issue of Arcadia Connection includes two topics: Sorting and Filtering Reports and Report Cheat Sheets

The reports in Arcadia have a lot of common functionality. This month, we want to address sorting and filtering your reports, and provide you with a reports “cheat sheet” that highlights the various types of reports you may see.

1. Sorting and filtering reports
In Arcadia, you can sort your reports by clicking on the header for the column by which you’d like to sort. Click again to sort in the opposite direction (New to Old vs. Old to New).
You can also filter your reports by typing into the field underneath the header. You can filter by a single value (Name, Date, etc) by typing in that value. You can also search for a range by using less than (<) or greater than (>) to define the range.


2. Arcadia Report Cheat Sheets
See below for the Arcadia cheat sheets. These documents review the report functionality, as well as how to navigate to and tips for using the Detail Report, Patient Registry, and Gap Reports.
