Colorectal Cancer Screening Guideline and FIT Testing Initiative

Colorectal Cancer Screening Guideline and FIT Testing Initiative

November 5th, 2018 | Archive

At our AHP Clinical Grand Rounds on November 7th we will be unveiling our new Colorectal Cancer Screening Guideline which is a collaborative effort from our Gastroenterology Service Line Committee with representatives from across AHP. This guideline has been developed, approved and vetted by our various Advisory groups, and will serve as a tool to guide effective screening with the most up-to-date evidence based recommendations. Likewise, as we have announced previously, we have begun training and supply distribution for our FIT testing initiative which will be launching in November as well. This initiative will allow for practices to order and result FIT tests in their own office for their patients to hopefully improve our screening performance and generate additional revenue for our providers/practices. If your practice is interested in joining this initiative, please reach out to Melissa Claybaugh to learn more about how AHP is providing starter kits at no charge to the practice as long with guidelines and training for implementation. This initiative has also received early positive response and we anticipate will allow for significant improvement in our screening practices.