Clinical Integration and Other Incentive Payments Coming Soon

Clinical Integration and Other Incentive Payments Coming Soon

October 31st, 2019 | Archive

Community-based AHP PCPs participating in all contracts can expect in the coming weeks their third quarter clinical integration payments as well as an incentive payment related to AHP’s partnership with the Finger Lakes Performing Provider System (FLPPS).

AHP’s value-based contracts provide for upfront clinical integration payments to PCPs that support their efforts in meeting the quality goals that trigger gain sharing. These payments are based on each provider’s attributed population, and a per physician breakdown of the payment will be provided. These payments are planned for late November.

Community PCPs will also receive an incentive payment earned for network-wide efforts to close gaps in care across several FLPPS metrics. Based on the provider’s Medicaid attribution, these payments will be issued in the mid-December timeframe.