Coronavirus Recommendations and Resources

Coronavirus Recommendations and Resources

February 28th, 2020 | Archive

The AHP Medical Director team has been receiving a number of questions from across the network about guidelines or recommendations and resources for addressing the recent coronavirus outbreak. For this particular issue, because of the evolving information and understanding of the transmission patterns, prevalence and protocols, we are directing inquiries to the Monroe County Health Department’s site as well as the CDC and NYS Health Department. Links to those resource pages are included below.

Currently, although there is concern of an identified case in California that appears to have been community acquired (no evidence of travel or known contact with an infected individual), it is important to note there are no confirmed cases in New York of any kind, and there is available testing for COVID-19 in the state. As CDC announcements have indicated, it is highly likely that we will see greater spread of this virus within the United States, and so to remain up-to-date on the latest developments and guidance, we recommend following the provided resource links below.

At this time, AHP does not anticipate any directed response led by our network, however we will continue to work with public health officials and communicate any information they feel will be of value for us to disseminate. For now, it seems best to allow those closest to the rapidly developing information to continue to provide guidance.

Resource Links

Monroe County Health Department COVID-19 Site

NYS Health Department COVID-19 Site