Reminder About the Vatica Health Well365 Program

Reminder About the Vatica Health Well365 Program

May 31st, 2023 | AHP PartnersVaticaNews

The Vatica Health Well365 program is designed to guide providers through a risk-coding exercise to accurately capture healthcare conditions for high-risk adult patients. The payor-sponsored program, for which several payors, including Excellus and MVP, participate, is beneficial to both patients and providers: accurate condition coding prevents gaps in care for patients, while providers can earn an incentive for each qualifying Vatica visit they perform.

In March of 2022, the Vatica program expanded to include a subset of high-risk Safety Net members and now spans all lines of business. Significant upgrades to the Well365 platform that reduce the time spent to complete a record and recognition of the nearly two million dollars paid to community providers for their participation in the Vatica program make Vatica a valuable use of provider time. Participation in Vatica provides significant incentives and assists providers with optimizing their incentives under AHP’s PCP Reward Plan. Family and internal medicine providers participating in Vatica and completing 20% of their targeted Medicare Advantage Vatica visits for the year earn one citizenship component at the provider level. As a reminder, citizenship accounts for 10% of the reward plan in 2023. Citizenship can be earned by completing two or more citizenship activities at the practice or provider level during the plan year.

If you have questions about your Vaticia participation, or if you are not currently contracted with Vatica and would like to learn more about the program, please email Jana Darlington.

For questions about the PCP reward plan for 2023, please contact your provider relations representative, Jana Darlington or Renée Sutton.