Update on Arcadia V6 Upgrade

Update on Arcadia V6 Upgrade

April 27th, 2022 | QualityNews

Last month, we shared that the Arcadia V6 upgrade, initially planned for March 28th, was delayed indefinitely, which also impacted loading the 2022 measure definitions onto the Arcadia dashboard. We are happy to share that a new date, June 20, 2022, has been selected for the upgrade and measure definition load. We have asked Arcadia to mimic the 2022 quality grid using the current V5 version in the interim. This will give providers access to gap lists and performance data before the upgrade takes place.

Again, we apologize for this delay, but we are pleased to announce that we are nearing a resolution thanks to the perseverance of AHP’s Information Management team and their commitment to providing our network with accurate quality measure data and reporting.

To view the 2022 measures grid, click here. Individual measure definitions, including thresholds and point attributions, are available here.