Save the Date: 2019 Care Management Summit

Save the Date: 2019 Care Management Summit

July 31st, 2019 | Archive

The 2019 Care Management will be held on Friday, September 6th in the Class of 62 Auditorium, at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. This year’s event will focus on the topic “Transitions of Care: Cultivating Teamwork, Enhancing Communication.”

The event’s morning session centers around teamwork across various health care settings, and our keynote speaker Dr. Sarah Peyre will examine the formation of “stranger teams.” Case studies will be presented and discussed in small smaller group sessions after the keynote.
The afternoon session will feature Drs. Robert Horowitz and Thomas Carroll who will explore palliative care transitions in their presentation “Talking about talking about serious illness: Who, when and how?”

Anyone involved in the transfer of patients across settings and their care during serious illness should attend this conference, and registration information will be sent out soon. Questions about the summit? Contact Kate Tredwell or Lavern Sleugh-Sharpe.