October 29th marked the end of National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week, but the work doesn’t end there! COVID-19 affected our community in many ways and created new obstacles for keeping…
Due to the ongoing data quality issues with the Arcadia Analytics dashboard and the resultant delays impacting the Provider Engagement Report (PER), the AHP leadership team has decided that providers…
Patient and Family-Centered Care – Celebrating Achievements and Evidenced-Based Plans for Next Steps
Join members of Strong Memorial & Golisano Children’s Hospital for a hospital-wide clinical grand round on November 3 from 12 pm to 1 pm. Beverly Johnson, FAAN, President and CEO…
The Provider Engagement Report (PER) is now available for implementation for all Arcadia-implemented primary care practices during the month of October. The PER is a dynamic report developed by AHP…
On Friday, September 23, adult and family medicine Arcadia users received a communication sharing an issue AHP’s Data Coordination and Information Management teams found with breast cancer and colorectal cancer…
The Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at Golisano Children’s Hospital is recruiting pediatric and family medicine providers and social workers for their Autism & DD: Primary Care ECHO. This…
Arcadia V6 Upgrade AHP is pleased to report that the latest version of the Arcadia dashboard became available to users Monday, August 29th at 8:00 am. In addition to expanded…
New York State has mandated that birthing hospitals screen certain newborn populations for G6PD deficiency effective June 22, 2022. Newborn providers and pediatric hematologists at Golisano Children’s Hospital are sharing…
COVID-19 Vaccines for Children Under 5 AHP continues to offer periodic updates and resources regarding COVID-19s impact on our community. Earlier this month, the FDA approved two vaccines for use…
In previous issues of Network News, we have shared information about the Arcadia upgrade scheduled for earlier this year. We are disappointed to share that the upgrade has again been…