Additional Topics

April 5th, 2022 | Pharmacy PearlsAdditional Topics

In this two-page edition of Pharmacy Pearls, you will find a summary of the 2022 pharmacy savings opportunities identified by the AHP Pharmacy Team. There are opportunities in several therapeutic areas…

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June 18th, 2021 | Pharmacy PearlsAdditional Topics

For 2021 we have identified eight opportunities for cost-savings on pharmacy spend across the network in several therapeutic areas. Here are recommendations that you can put into practice today that impact quality…

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March 2nd, 2021 | Medication AccessPharmacy PearlsAdditional Topics

The beginning of the year often brings affordability issues for patients with newly-reset deductibles. It is important to keep value-based prescribing at the forefront of practice to ensure that patients…

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September 30th, 2019 | Medication AccessPharmacy Pearls

With one in four patients reporting difficulty affording prescription medications, practice staff and clinicians are often engaged with patients faced with mediation access issues related to cost and affordability. The…

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July 12th, 2019 | AllergyPharmacy Pearls

This edition of Pharmacy Pearls reviews the available epinephrine injector options for the treatment of anaphylaxis. There are several devices available (both brand and generic), and the cost to patients…

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May 9th, 2019 | AllergyPharmacy Pearls

One of the 2019 AHP Pharmacy Team targets is to limit the use of Nasonex for allergic rhinitis given the availability of equally effective and far less expensive OTC products,…

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